Silence training” is the art of teaching the slave to be silence. In our everyday life, we use our voice to communicate. It is the one main element for such. Teaching “silence” is almost as critical and difficult as training and teaching a slave how to speak. It may seem like a easy venture, just ordering the slave to be silent, but there are many key elements in this level of training to consider.
There will be times within the training, and course of the relationship between you and the slave, where you will want and demand a silent environment. There is a lot more to just training a slave to speak within the arts of silence. However, first I want to explain the psychological aspects of “silence training”. Taking away a slave’s ability to speak not only gives forth a physical impact upon a slave, but also one of a mental nature as well. We are mostly now dealing with the mental aspects of training and slavery in these parts. Removing a person’s ability to speak, also removes a bit of their humanity. Our ability to communicate verbally, is a strong aspect of what differs us from the other sources of life upon the planet. Our humanity comes from our ability to speech, and removing such from one person, drills in the aspect that they are mere objects at the mere control of yourself. You should be very careful with this aspect of training, and remember what you are doing.
The first method of “silence training” is to teach the slave only to speak when addressed, or unless he/she needs to alert you of something. This teaches the slave, that they are below you, and such is their voice as well. The slave should learn that their voice is a mere gift, which you grant them to use, and not something which should be used lightly. They should learn that their voice is a gift, and rewarded to them just like everything else is given to them. However, there should be times where you and the slave should speak freely amongst each other, times where you and him/her are in the relationship stage. Remember that communication is important to the relationship at hand.
The next stages of silence training involve more, drawing the slave into a environment of total and absolute silence. Here are a quick run down on methods and points which you should take into consideration with this level of training.
- Firstly, you should remove all background noise from the environment. This will remove anything which might distract the slave during this moment of training. You should turn off any music, the television, computer, or anything else which may make some sort of noise.
- You should avoid using the phone during this moment. If you cannot tolerate this level of silence, you may want to invest in earplugs, or headphones for the slave to wear, to remove such noises from the slave.
- Teach the slave to only use as many words as needed to convey a thought.
- “Corner Time” as a punishment, or any other punishment which removes a slave from your presence for a long period of time, should use the time to think about why they are being punishment. They should also be given the right to speak to you if there is a emergency. There should always be that aspect of communication.
Instruct the slave to focus mostly on themselves in this moment of training and on you solely. The training should move beyond voice as well. You should teach the slave to walk or crawl without making noise, cleaning, bathing, or any other types of movements should be trained to be done with absolute quietness.
There are some key factors to remember when you work with silence in your slave. They are very important to remember and understand, for they can bring many repercussions to the slave’s mentality, if you do not take them into consideration.
- Disallowing a person their voice is a negative issue, and will remove a person’s humanity, something even though we are teaching slavery, can have a negative impact upon a person. You must remember that they are humans, and even though slaves, they have a right to their humanity. There are times when you should allow the slave to speak freely with you.
- If you demand a slave to be silent during a physical punishment, such as a paddling, whipping, or other form of punishment which involves pain, you should realize that it will be more then impossible for a slave to remember silent completely. They will cry out, tear, and make other noises, and this is just unavoidable, and should not be corrected for such.
- A slave should always have the right to communicate with you if there is a emergency.
- A slave should be able to converse and speak with their family.